My dear curly heads
As you may have already seen, I have now added product for the different porosity of your curl crowns at lockenkopfa rendezvous. So I would like to use today's blog post to tell you something about the different levels of porosity and their special needs.
Why it is important to know its curl porosity
No two types of curls are alike, it is important to know your own hair porosity so that you can get the most out of your curling routine. In other words: knowing your own curl porosity is the first step to get the most out of your Curl type the right care and always have the most beautiful curls.
What is hair porosity?
Simply put, porosity refers to the ability of your curls to absorb water and more importantly, to retain moisture. There are three methods to find out what porosity is your curl type.
FYI, you can choose low, medium or high.
- The strands test
Take a hair between your fingers at various points on your head and run along the hair from the tip towards the roots. If your fingers just run along the hair and it feels hard and firm then you have a deep porosity. If your hair feels smooth and you can easily glide upwards then you have a normal porosity. But if your hair feels rough or dry and it just breaks then you have a high porosity.
- The test with the fallen hair
Another method Your Curls to check for porosity, take a hair that has fallen out when combing and put it in a glass of water. If the hair floats on top, you have a deep porosity. If your hair sinks slowly to the bottom, your hair is "normally" porous. But if it sinks to the bottom quickly, you have a high porosity.
- The water spray test
To find your own curl porosity you can also spray some water on a section of your curls and watch how the hair reacts. If your hair absorbs the water quickly, this is a sign of high porosity. But if it simply stays on the hair, it is an indicator of low porosity.
While these three tests are a good starting point to determine its porosity, there are other signs you should look for:
The properties of curls with deep porosity:
- The curls take a long time to dry.
- The care products tend to "build up" instead of being absorbed.
- Natural oils do not immediately penetrate the hair, but remain "on the curls".
- The curls take a relatively long time to soak up when you wet them.
The properties of curls with normal porosity:
- The curls are elastic and bouncy.
- The curls need relatively little "maintenance".
- The curls easily absorb and retain moisture.
- The curls keep styles simple and can be easily dyed.
The properties of curls with high porosity:
- The curls absorb water quickly, but they need more products
- The curls often feel and look dry
- The curls are often frizzy
- The curls dry quickly
Now that we know how to determine your curl type, let's see what each type of curl needs.
The right curl care for the different porosity levels
The right curl care with deep porosity
Curls with low porosity have very compact cuticles (hair scales), which makes it difficult to get moisture into the hair. But, there is also good news: once the curls are hydrated, they retain moisture very well. To open the dandruff you can follow these tips:
- Warmth is your friend. Use Reconstructive Deep Treatments under a hairdryer, or a bathing cap, which you wrap with a towel to increase the heat under the plastic hood. The heat will cause the hair scales to open up and the products will penetrate better.
- Spread your products evenly over the curls and don't take too much.
- Apply the products to damp and (dripping) wet hair.
- Use sulfate-free shampoo and products with apple vinegar, or make your own apple vinegar rinses to keep your Curls from product residues. (due to the hair structure residues are formed quickly)
At lockenkopf you will find here all products specially designed for curls with deep porosity.
The right curl care with normal porosity
Curls with normal porosity have compact cuticles (hair scales) that easily let in moisture.
- Regular deep conditioning treatments help to ensure that the curls are always well "nourished".
The right curl care with high porosity
Thirsty, parched curls need products that help them to absorb as much moisture as possible. Follow these tips to increase the hydration of your curls:
- Do not use heat. It is best to let the curls air dry.
- Use regular deep-conditioning treatments (Curl Masque) and finish your curling routine with leave-in and/or styling products that are moisturizing
- To complete the washing routine, rinse with cold water, the colder the better. (Cold water closes the dandruff and helps the curls retain moisture better.
- Gently detanglen, with the fingers or a coarse-pronged comb to prevent hair breakage and hair loss.
- Lastly, use products that help your curls retain moisture.
Texture, elasticity, density and porosity are all indicators of your curl personality and now that you know what type you are, try to take care of your curl to give your crown its natural shine.
"If you have any questions regarding the product selection, please send me a mail or a Whatsapp message and I will be happy to help you choose the right products. In order to best advise you I would be grateful if you could send me a photo of your curls with your questions.
So that's it from me again, see you soon my dear curly heads.
Most sincerely
Rosa Maria